The old worker retired on account of age. 老工人因年老而退休。
In our scenario the old create method on the Account EJB is no longer used so it can be deleted. 在我们的场景中,AccountEJB上的旧create方法将不再使用,因此可以将其删除。
This reminds me of the Old Testament account of Abraham when he was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac. 这让我想起,圣经旧约中关于亚伯拉罕的故事,当他被神要求将他的儿子以瑟献为燔祭。
Later that night, I looked up an old account of mine named Gloria. 那天深夜时分,我拜访了一位老客户,名叫格洛丽亚。
Do you want to close the old account and open a new one? 你要不要把旧结帐清后再开一个新帐户?
I have done my part. Would not you do yours-and send me your check in payment of the enclosed old account? 我已完成了我的义务,阁下也应照办,请按所附旧帐额度立即用支票清偿为荷?
You cannot stop going with an old friend on account of rumors. 你不能因为谣言就和一个老朋友断绝来往。
A few years later, old Jehan DAAS lost the use of his limbs on account of rheumatism. 几年后,老耶汉?达斯因患风湿症而四肢瘫痪。
For example, if one says that one has traveled and has old passports and pictures to support one's account, it presents a stronger case. 例如,一个申请人说他去旅行过,那么他应该有他的老护照和在旅行中所照的照片,这些材料和他所说的就构成更有力的说明。
You can't stop going with an old friend on account of rumors, and on the other hand I had no intention of being rumored into marriage. 你不能因为怕谣言就和一个老朋友断绝来往,可是另一方面我也无意迫于谣言的压力就去结婚。
"Madame," replied danglars," the horses were not sufficiently quiet for you; they were scarcely four years old, and they made me extremely uneasy on your account." “夫人,”腾格拉尔回答说,“那两匹马给你用实在是不安全,它们还不到四岁,它们使我很替你担心。”
If I do not want to do business with my old upline, Can you help me move my account to other people who I want to be his downline. 第一个问题是问:如果我想换上线,请问官方能否帮我移动到我想要的上线下面?
It resembles one side mirror, reflect the rough course that taking soldier of this old Red Army man, account is worn his utter devotion to revolutionary career. 它像一面镜子,映照着这位老红军战士的坎坷历程,记载着他对革命事业的赤胆忠心。
Emily won't marry the rich old man on any account. 艾米丽无论如何也不愿意嫁给那个有钱的老头。
My mother once told me that after Papaw died, she found some of his old account books from the grocery store with lots of unpaid bills from his customers, most of them black. 母亲告诉我,外公去世后,她从杂货店找到几本他的旧账本,上面记着许多顾客没有支付的欠账,其中多数是黑人。
This index will give a more comprehensive evaluation giving a supplement to the old one which takes the variation of production into account only. 该指标弥补了以往评价和预测油田开发效果单纯考虑采出量变化的不足,从而使评价和预测油田开发效果的工作更趋全面。
Our government has done little to help old people. He gave a long account of his troubles, with the implication that he needed financial aid. 我们的政府部门在帮助老人解决生活困难方面做得还很不够。他摆了一大堆困难,言外之意是需要补助。
Taking the fierce competition of Automobile Industry, the character of the modern Supply Chain and the disadvantages of the old Supply Modul into account, the modern Automobile Industry needs advanced Supply Management to suit it. 在结合整车制造企业竞争的现状、现代轿车制造业供应链的特点和轿车制造业传统采购模式弊病的基础上,论述了现代轿车业的发展必然需要全新的采购管理理念与之相适应。
Chapter two the breakthrough of the new rules in account thoughts is by the comparison of new and old enterprise account; 第二章着重从新企业会计制度与原分行业的企业会计的比较分析入手分析归纳出新企业会计制度在会计思想上的新突破;
Nowadays, old people above 60 account for 10.2% of China's total population. According to current international standards, China has already been an aging society. 目前中国60岁以上的老年人占全国人口总数的10.2%,按照国际通行标准,中国已经正式进入老龄社会。
In China, social security issues about old people in countryside were not sufficiently taken into account. Their living condition is getting worse. 在我国,广大农村地区老年人的养老保障问题一直没有得到足够重视,农村老年人的生存状况出现不断恶化的趋势。
Zhu ( 2008) from the transaction value of old products that sell old product off a psychological account. Zhu(2008)等人从旧产品交易价值出发,认为出售旧产品是关闭了一个心理账户。
Transformation of the old city at the project, central heating works account for a large proportion. 在旧城改造的项目中,集中供暖工程占有很大的比重。
In addition, the intervention on the object, social workers should not only involved in old disabled persons, but also take into account the family and community environment of its surrounding, in order to provide a better service for disabled old persons. 另外,在介入对象上,社会工作者不仅要把介入老年残疾人自身,还要将其周围的家庭及社区环境考虑进去,从而更好地为老年残疾人服务。